Sai Chandra Sriram

I'm a

I am a Versatile Full Stack Engineer with deep expertise in Python, Flask, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, React Native and Golang. Skilled in crafting intuitive user interfaces using Material-UI and proficient in leveraging Docker for containerization. Accomplished in cloud services management with AWS and adept in database solutions using PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, and SQLAlchemy. Master's graduate from The University of Alabama, recognized for designing scalable and user-centric applications with cutting-edge technologies.

Extensive experience in the healthcare and data analytics sectors, highlighted by successful deployments using robust backend frameworks and dynamic front-end designs. Notable projects include Medicaid reimbursement billing systems and advanced immunization card systems.

Renowned for pioneering state-of-the-art data analytics products and web applications, with an emphasis on efficient database management and seamless backend integrations via Golang and Flask. User-friendly interfaces are powered by React.js and jQuery, with backend stability ensured through Golang and Flask frameworks. Holds certifications in HIPAA and CCNA, underscoring a commitment to industry standards, compliance, and best practices in cloud and database management.


Full Stack Engineer

Paradigm Healthcare Services

  • Played a pivotal role in spearheading the development of the powerful Medicaid reimbursement software, enabling schools to build comprehensive electronic health records for each student, streamlining data management processes while maintaining essential compliance standards, including FERPA, and HIPAA, guaranteeing the utmost security and protection of student health data.
  • Engineered an advanced immunization card system that transformed vast student data into tailored immunization PDFs for specific student groups, schools, or grades, ensuring effortless compliance with California's critical health mandate and enabling clients to achieve a groundbreaking output of over 10,000 PDFs in a single day without manual intervention.
  • Enhanced and updated various student health services, transitioning from adding individual services to batch-processing for multiple students and addressed K-12 students' mental, behavioral, and social-emotional needs holistically, which accelerated overall service provision, improved data entry times by 40%, and significantly expedited Medicaid billing processes for clients
  • Contributed to the development of robust reporting and analytics tools to provide clients with actionable insights on their Medicaid reimbursement performance, by successfully elevating reimbursement accuracy by 30%, strengthening decision-making capabilities, and resolving billing errors that led to an average annual reimbursement increase of $500,000.
  • Actively contributed to the refinement of the user interface and user experience, emphasizing the intuitive presentation of database data. Enhanced features facilitated easier data interpretation, robust filtering, and versatile export options, including printable and Excel formats, leading to positive feedback from 80% of the software users in post-update surveys.
  • Skills: Python, Flask, Jinja, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, HTML, CSS, SQLAlchemy, Bootstrap, Docker, Datatables.js, Chart.js, XlsxWriter, Oracle DB, Redis, AWS, REST APIs, JSON, PL/SQL, Agile Methodologies, OOP, Flask-Mail, WTForms, pdfrw, Flask-Caching

    February 2023 - Present

    Software Engineer

    DataChat Inc.

  • Architected, developed, and meticulously maintained the Full-Stack Data Analytics product, ensuring seamless and intuitive user experiences in generating sophisticated analytics pipelines through simple English requests.
  • Revolutionized the Connection Mechanism, which facilitated seamless integration with 10+ real-time cloud databases allowing users to test before connection. This transformation empowered users to drive dynamic data visualization experiences directly from connected cloud databases, significantly elevating the platform's versatility and efficiency.
  • Developed and Enhanced the product's NLP structures and augmented the auto-complete server by refining and adding 30+ DataChat English utterances, streamlining the process for customers to create, wrangle, explore, and analyze multiple data visualization charts and reducing user query formulation time by 25%.
  • Led the modernization of the application by integrating 40+ innovative features, including advanced filtering, enhanced search capabilities, and a streamlined sharing mechanism. This facilitated effortless collaboration and sharing of DataChat objects among multiple users or organizations with a single click, ensuring easy review of key decisions at any step of the analysis.
  • Played a pivotal role in developing "Chartlets," a dynamic and customizable charting feature that empowered users to interactively tailor visualizations across diverse visualization styles by enabling on-the-fly modifications to data dimensions and trends. This contribution significantly enhanced the product's ability to deliver automated visualizations and advanced predictive models, ultimately allowing users to effortlessly rerun consistent analyses and automatically identify trends using Explainable AI.
  • Spearheaded the transformation of DataChat into a scalable SaaS product by creating differentiated pricing tiers, each offering distinct limitations on aspects such as session creation, data load capacity, and cloud storage. Engineered solutions to enforce these limitations based on subscription levels and further enriched the user experience by creating an intuitive frontend dashboard that allows users to visually track their consumption of these resources, contributing significantly to the product's adaptability and commercial success.
  • Skills: JavaScript, React.js, Redux-Saga, MUI, Python, Flask, Golang, SQL, REST APIs, Docker, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, NLP, AWS, Redis, Agile Methodologies, OOP, HTML, CSS, JSON, GitHub, Apache ECharts, Fuse.js, Axios, Moment.js, Lodash

    July 2021 - January 2023

    Full Stack Engineer

    The Nine

  • Spearheaded the development of a comprehensive SaaS platform, connecting over 1,000 trucking companies with potential truck drivers by significantly enhancing industry recruitment efficiency.
  • Instrumented the transition from native web technologies to an integrated stack, enhancing the site's agility and responsiveness while significantly reducing the page load times.
  • Pioneered the incorporation of a robust filtering mechanism, streamlining job matches for over 3,000 truck drivers and trucking companies, optimizing their search efficiency by 40%.
  • Skills: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Next.js, Node.js, Docker, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

    May 2021 - July 2021

    Software Engineer Graduate Intern

    Carlin Fit LLC.

  • Revamped mobile application UI/UX for Android and iOS, adding 30+ features including individual and team challenges, authentication enhancements, and real-time weight loss tracking charts with Kotlin, Java, Swift, and React Native.
  • Developed a bidding algorithm to track users' weight and reward the winners in weight loss challenges
  • Constructed a multi-user networking feature and implemented a bidding algorithm to invite multiple users to the Fit4Friends challenge network and incentivize them for weight loss challenges.
  • Designed and upgraded 40+ API endpoints, 8 Task Schedulers, and Database Schema using Laravel, MySQL, AWS, and PuTTY and was responsible for publishing new versions of the mobile application to the Apple and Google Play Store
  • Designed and upgraded 40+ REST API endpoints, 8 Task Schedulers, and Database Schema using Laravel, MySQL, AWS, and PuTTY and was responsible for publishing new versions of the mobile application to the Apple and Google Play Store.
  • Worked in a scrum environment to deliver a high-quality product with competitive schedules
  • Skills: Kotlin, Java, Swift, React Native, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, AWS, PuTTY, REST APIs, JSON, Bootstrap, Scrum Environment, Android Studio, Xcode, GitHub, Mobile Application Development

    May 2020 - August 2020

    Systems Engineer

    Infosys Pvt. Ltd.

  • Comprehensive training in diverse technologies and platforms, including PL/SQL programming language, Oracle E-Business Suite, Python OOPs, Oracle EBS Workflow, and Oracle Reports Builder.
  • Designed and implemented the "Venue Management System" on Oracle E-Business Suite to streamline venue logistics, from managing supplies and equipment to assisting customers in selecting the ideal venue based on specific needs.
  • Skills: PL/SQL, SQL, Oracle E-Business Suite, Python, OOP, Oracle EBS Workflow, Oracle Reports Builder

    January 2019 - May 2019


    The University Of Alabama

    Master Of Science
    Computer Science

    GPA: 3.89 / 4.00

    August 2019 - May 2021

    Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

    Bachelor of Technology
    Computer Science and Engineering

    GPA: 3.27 / 4.00

    July 2015 - July 2019


    • Python
    • Flask
    • JavaScript
    • React Native
    • Redux-Saga
    • SQLAlchemy
    • Go
    • Material UI
    • Jinja
    • Docker
    • SQL
    • Oracle Database
    • PL/SQL
    • Node
    • GitHub
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Bootstrap
    • Visual Studio Code
    • JetBrains
    • PostgreSQL
    • AWS
    • MySQL
    • MongoDB
    • mongoose
    • Redis
    • JSON
    • Android
    • Kotlin
    • Java
    • Xcode
    • Swift
    • C
    • JSON Web Token
    • PHP
    • Laravel
    • Programming Languages & Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Golang, SQL, PL/SQL, Jinja, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Java, C, PHP, Kotlin, Swift, JSON
    • Frameworks, Libraries & Tools: Flask, React.js, React Native, Redux-Saga, Material UI, SQLAlchemy, Node.js, Docker, Mongoose, Laravel, Next.js, Express.js, JWT, Bootstrap, Android Studio, Xcode, VS Code, JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, GoLand, PhpStorm), Git, GitHub, Fuse.js, pdfrw, XlsxWriter
    • Database & Cloud Services: PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, AWS
    • Enterprise Solutions: Oracle E-Business Suite
    • Knowledge: Data Structures and Algorithms, Rest APIs, Database Management Systems, Data Science, Natural language processing, Computer Networks, Computer Security


    The Tracker App

  • Developed a React Native mobile app with React Context for real-time tracking and mapping of user paths, implementing polylines on maps to visualize the traversed route.
  • Engineered a secure backend with MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and JWT for user authentication, account management, and REST API endpoints to manage and synchronize track data.
  • Tracker_App
    January 2021

    The Meals App

  • Crafted a React Native app with Redux, offering a curated selection of over 50 categorized meal recipes, complete with detailed descriptions and preparation instructions, featuring robust filtering and favoriting capabilities.
  • Meals_App
    December 2020

    The Blogs App

  • Designed an app in React Native and React Context using JSON API server calls to create, edit, and delete the blogs.
  • Blogs_App
    November 2020

    MPTCP on Linux and its Survey

  • Researched advantages, the performance of implementing MPTCP on Android devices to create a detailed report and implemented MPTCP on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04).
  • August 2019 - December 2019

    Unbiased Credit Score Predictor

  • Designed a generator using bagging and boosting algorithms that predict the credit score of a person based upon occupation, income, age, bankruptcies, credit history, purpose, term.
  • Improved the project to generate a credit score for the blue-collar persons based on occupation and credit score history if any.
  • January 2019 – May 2019

    Movie Booking System

  • Designed a web application in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap where the customers can book tickets for available shows and make payments online.
  • January 2018 – May 2018

    Other Projects


    Apart from being a Software Engineer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors playing football, cricket, volleyball, and soccer.

    When forced indoors, I follow numerous science-fiction movies and play a lot of PC and Xbox games. I spend my lot of time learning and exploring new technologies and technological advancement in the world.


    • Systems Expert by AlgoExpert
    • Frontend Expert by AlgoExpert
    • Machine Learning Expert by AlgoExpert
    • AlgoExpert: Certificate of Completion
    • HIPAA Certified
    • The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2023 Edition]
    • The Complete 2021 Web Development Bootcamp
    • React Native Essential Training
    • Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers
    • Azure: Understanding the Big Picture
    • Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching (CCNA)


    • UA Crimson and White CSGO Player
    • Addressed women empowerment in rural schools and spread awareness about the opportunities available in the field of education.
    • Amrita Serve, AmritaVarsham-62: Served as a coordinator in Amritavarsham-62.
    • Ayudh: Served as a volunteer (Captain) in Ayudh cultural programs which are held in college.
    • Car-free day: Environmental pollution awareness program. Participated as a coordinator in the security division of a 10km run and cycling.
    • Bharat Mata Pooja: Served as a volunteer and dance coordinator.